Pedlars & Pedlary Entrepreneurs


Pedlars launched this website in 2007 dedicated to not-for-profit publishing of information, resources and communications about pedlary. It provides a resource centre for all concerned with pedlary. It regularly provides updates to its readership and recognises severe limitations for those pedlars who neither read nor write because pedlary for them remains an oral tradition.
The several researchers at prepare contributions and articles in response to issues arising whilst acknowledging the fundamental principle of pedlary being ‘individual’ unfettered by any membership or organisation claiming to be the voice of pedlars.

Articles are assembled chronologically and content must be considered within historic context.

The audio visual images on the right hand margin are live links to interviews and videos.

Errors and Omissions are inevitable and we welcome contributions that correct or challenge any text.

What is a Pedlar?

A pedlar is a self-regulated certificated pedestrian service provider that travels and trades within any part of the United Kingdom, carrying to sell or exposing for sale any goods. The Pedlars Act 1871/1881 protects the bearer’s civil liberty to freely trade in public under the authority of a Pedlar’s Certificate.

The Principle of the Pedlars Act

The Principle of the Pedlars Act provides common law privilege to an eligible pedestrian person to trade with complete freedom based on a simple private contract within any part of the United Kingdom. A pedlar is self-regulated and the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Schedule 4 Section 1 (2) (a) makes provision for pedlars to trade in local authority designated streets.

How to apply for a Pedlar’s Certificate

A Pedlar’s Certificate is a document granted by the Commissioner of Police. The Certificate is valid for 1 year and applies throughout the United Kingdom. An applicant must be above 17 years of age, has residence in the local police district for one month prior to application, be of good character and intends in good faith to act as a pedlar. An Application Form is available gratis at an applicant’s local police station. A Pedlar’s Certificate costs £12.25 per annum.

Acting as a Pedlar

A pedlar may trade privately at the door of a person’s house or in a public street, market or fair. Street trading by a person with a Pedlars Certificate is not committing a street trading offence according to Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Schedule 4 Section 1 (2) (a). A  Local Authority  issues licences or consents for static street trading pitches within allocated spaces. A pedlar’s means of trading must be mobile and movable so as not to cause obstruction or public liability on the highway. A pedlar may use a pedestrian scale mobile device to carry and display goods. A pedlar is also described as a hawker amongst other descriptions. A pedlar is entitled to remain static whilst displaying goods (Pedlars Act Section 3) and serving customers. A pedlar’s contract is not with the Local Authority but with the pedlar’s public and so is conditioned by the public. Although it is not ‘necessary’ to carry a certificate to trade foodstuffs nothing prohibits obtaining a certificate for the purpose to avoid commission of a local Street Trading offence.

Legislation affecting Pedlary

Pedlars should be aware that in some council districts there is local Street Trading legislation that may affect pedlary.

Further Information

Search online – pedlar, pedlar’s certificate, Pedlars Act 1871, Pedlars Act 1881, Markets and Fairs Clauses Act 1847 Section 13, or use the search bar on the left margin of this page.

latest articles:

WHAT IS A PEDLAR – 12 March 2019 – Peer Reviewed & Referenced Guidance Note – read more

  1. Logie-v-Birmingham City CouncilAnother Win for Pedlars – read more
  2. Judicial Review – 2024 Logie v Birmingham City Council – pedlar wins landmark case  – read more
  3. Even Chat GPT can differentiate between pedlar and street trader – read more
  4. NEWS FLASH – 26 May 2017 – Pedlar Appeal Crown Court Manchester – read more
  5. BREAKING NEWS – 26 May 2016 – Local PSPOs attempt to subvert National Pedlars Act – read more
  6. Swindon PSPO prohibition – 26 January 2016 – read more
  7. Oxford PSPO affects pedlary – 25 November 2015 – read more
  8. BREAKING NEWS – 5 December 2015 – First Pedlar Event in London for 144 years – video links to conference
  9. BREAKING NEWS – 16 October 2014 – Government Concedes – PEDLARS ACT Survives – read more
  10. Metropolitan Police on-line info rebuttal – 1 August 2014 – read more
  11. Avon & Somerset police – Pedlars Notice rebuttal – 6 August 2014 – read more
  12. House of Commons Notes – argument for withdrawl – 4 July 2014 – read more
  13. Parliament misled by corrupt use of language – 13 January 2014 – read more
  14. Official Conduct at BIS – 1 January 2014 – read more
  15. House of Commons Library Update: Pedlars – 18 December 2013 – read more
  16. Official Conduct at BIS – 15 November 2013 – read more
  17. Stakeholder Meeting at BIS – 6 November 2013 – read more
  18. HC Library Reference Paper SN/HA/5693 rebuttal – 5 November 2013 – read more
  19. Communications with BIS – 29 October 2013 – read more
  20. Policy to Ignore – 2 July 2013 – read more
  21. Principle of the Pedlars Act – 21 August 2013 – see above update
  22. Pedlars 2nd reply to consultation URN12/605 – 2 April 2013 – read more
  23. Office of Fair Trading OFT – David Chapman – 27 March 2013 – read more
  24. EU Recognition of Professional Status – read more
  25. EU Consultation – 4 February 2013 – live link
  26. THIRD OPTION – 27 January 2013 – live link
  27. Letter to Editor – 27 January 2013 – read more
  28. Briefing and Questions to HMG re BIS Consultation – 11 January 2013 – read more
  29. Q & A: BIS invites views but have already made a decision?  – 6 Jan 2013 – read more
  30. Question about Designations – 4 January 2013 – read more
  31. Parallels – EU recognition of the Profession of Pedlary – 4 December 2012 – read more
  32. HMG declares WAR on centuries-old Common Law – 23 November 2012 – read more
  33. Briefing to Vince Cable outlining Problem & Solution – 29 September 2012 – read more
  34. Communications with BIS re URN11/542 policy – on-going – read more
  35. Parliamentary Written Questions – House of Lords – 15 June 2012 – read more
  36. Regulation of Street Traders & Pedlars – House of Commons SN05692 – read more
  37. Street Trading and Pedlary Law – proposed amendment to statute – 6 June 2012 – read more
  38. HL Paper 242 – 21 December 2011 – read more
  39. Press Release – 23 December 2011 – read more
  40. Press Release – 2 December 2011 – read more
  41. Objections to Select Committee procedure – 24 November 2011 – read more
  42. Formal Complaint to European Parliament – 18 November 2011 – read more
  43. Submission to Opposed Bill Committee HLords – 3 November 2011 – read more
  44. Letter to BIS re Services Directive – 8 October 2011 – read more
  45. Letter to BIS re Judicial Review – 7 October 2011 – read more
  46. Letter to BIS re Ministers Letter – 30 September 2011 – read more
  47. Press Release – 17 July 2011 – read more
  48. Letter to Ministers at BIS – 27 June 2011 – read more
  49. Pedlar questions on BIS report – 11 May 2011 – read more
  50. Letter to the BBC – 2 February 2011 – read more