The third reading of the Manchester City Bill is floundering as Peers have moved to ‘suspend’ it untill next Parliament.
The Bill is promoted by the Council to ‘sterilise’ the streets of Manchester by prohibiting pedlars whose tradition is legislated outside of control by council street trading regulation. The bill is challenged by Mr David Murphy a pedlar from Altrincham whose lovely assistant is pictured peddling her goods to demonstrate how the bill is targeting genuine pedlars instead of illicit traders who block the streets with trolleys, poor quality goods etc. Council argues that pedlars should be door-to-door salesmen and that their regulation is out of date. They want total control of the streets. My Murphy says that pedlars national regulation began in 1871 and the Pedlars Act is as valid today as when it was originated – it certainly preceeds street trading regulation which exempts pedlars as their trade is different – they move about on the streets and do not occupy a fixed pitch – they go from town to town and this is why in 1881 the law was extended to enable them to trade anywhere in the United Kingdom. He says that problems on the streets can be dealt with using existing legislation – the Highways Act and consumer protection legislation – there is no need for new legislation but there is need for proper enforcement. Genuine pedlars are also affected especially as the council is tarring them with the same brush by promoting a draconian blanket policy.
Mr Murphy has support from the government which “is against ad hoc changes brought about through local legislation” but his principle concern is that the bill infringes nine Human Rights articles by interfering with the cultural tradition and dignity of genuine
pedlars. He is asking for post-legislative scrutiny because the bill is trumpeting success in the Westminster Act 1999.
Does Manchester City Council really see this lovely picture as a criminal activity? If the Bill is successful her activity will be deemed a new street crime!
Robert Campbell-Lloyd
Agent for Petitioner Against