“HMG & pedlars” are a series of emails by a pedlar to the supposed authors of the BIS document “A joint consultation on modernising Street Trading and Pedlar Legislation, and on draft guidance on the current regime”
6 NOVEMBER 2009 Crown Copyright URN09/1074
(“BIS” = Business, Initiative & Skills, Her Majesty’s Government department)
– the emails are in chronological order, will be constantly updated and seek to understand the relationship that exists between pedlars and HMG, Her Majesty’s Government.
These notes introduce the main points of inquiry in each of the emails:
HMG&pedlars1 17.25,16.11.2009
– inquires about the origin of the process to alter the Pedlars Act
– who originated the process, when and why (note.1)
– the origin of the use of words describing pedlars other than those in the
Pedlars Act
– origin of decisions taken to declare the Pedlars Act “not used today”
– origin of decisions taken to combine “pedlary” and “street trading” as one
“regulatory regime”
– origin of statements about the law such as “unlawful pedlary”
– origin of definitions in the “Report Recommendations” including those of
“Impact Assessment” and “proportionality”
– request index of information supplied by other bodies as NABMA, IoL, SP etc
HMG&pedlars2 13.42, 17.11.2009, “the Durham report”
– comments sent to BIS put into 13 notes added to the letter sent originally by Robert Campbell Lloyd in response to the Durham report published January 2009; the letter was not given a full reply but does appear to have been used inexpertly by BIS to justify their outline for continuing to consult with pedlars
HMG&pedlars3 15.45,17.11.2009
– a reflection on the constitution of the nation as viewed by attempts to subvert the Pedlars Act
(with further to notes 1-13 referring back to HMG&pedlars2)
click to download full text of these emails and then open where you store downloads